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Understanding DynamoDB

Let’s try to understand DynamoDB with the help of a practical example. Imagine that your favorite neighborhood coffee shop is blowing up, and they want an online presence. Your company got the contract, and you are tasked with designing the backend. You discuss all the requirements and try to jot down a design for the […]

How to write a job ad that gets results

Writing job ads is a common part of a manager’s job. Many times, I’ve had to sit down and write the copy that would be posted across the web to attract new talent to my team. Yes, sometimes it was as easy as posting “I need a developer” on, and I was immediately flooded […]

Software Automation Testing

The goal of any test is to make sure that the software meets the user’s needs. When it comes to building and implementing software, engineers and architects at any level must take care to ensure that the characteristics of the system have been taken into consideration based on the needs of the client.

Inside – Faith Benson

An interview with Faith Benson One of the things that sets apart from other job marketplaces is our personal connection with every developer and every client. Your resume isn’t just another one thrown into the ether, and your job description isn’t just another post to a scrolling list. With that in mind, we want […]

Our take on rate setting

Developers often ask our advice on pricing themselves. It makes sense: we facilitate hundreds of hires each year and are responsible for negotiating each of those engagements, so yes, we talk about rates and salaries a lot. As a job seeker, there’s tension between underpricing yourself and disqualifying yourself with a sky-high rate. It’s impossible […]

Moving from management back to engineering

Management is often seen as the pinnacle of your development career. But what happens when you get to that level and decide it just isn’t for you?  Take some tips from Jip Moors and his time with Yoast, where he moved up in the ranks, only to decide the trenches were where he felt most […]

Interviewing developers: what to listen for

So, you need to start interviewing developers. Do you know how? Can you tell if a developer actually knows what they are talking about or just blowing smoke?  It is tough for non-technical people to evaluate technical expertise. Most fall back into patterns like “they sounded like they knew what they were talking about” and […]

How we shorten our hiring cycle by weeks

It’s no secret that this hiring market is brutal. While we’re all working double time to recruit and hire great talent no matter our job title, the ones bearing the brunt of it are recruiters—particularly technical recruiters. Luckily, we can help shorten your hiring cycle to get your team growing fast. 

Gunslinger interview: Wolf Donat

At the heart of everything we do here at are our incredible Gunslingers. They’re the talent we send out to tackle the big ideas and help brands build and scale. And we want to share their stories with you in a new series called the Gunslinger Interviews. This week, Cal Evans talks tech with […]
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