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Expert advice on mitigating hiring risk

There are plenty of ways to mitigate hiring risk: proper vetting, matching for company culture, and fractional work, to name a few. We recently talked about our own approach to it, but thought it would be great to dive into what other industry experts have to say.

8 freelance websites to hire Python developers

Python is a flexible and easy-to-learn programming language. These factors make it a popular choice for developers. Companies can also use Python in data analysis, web development, automation, and many other tasks. However, hiring Python developers can be a challenge. The demand for Python developers has led to a shortage of skilled candidates, and the […]

How to avoid scope creep

When it comes to building out a project, putting a plan in place is paramount to its success. One of the biggest challenges to any plan is scope creep, which happens when the scope of the project expands beyond its originally established boundaries.
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