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Engineering update: July 2021

Yes, even more, improved job matching

We’re continuing to perfect how we match our developers with their ideal jobs by drilling down our job matching to target the exact preferred roles you’ve listed on your profile. So, If you’re skilled in React and TypeScript with an exclusive interest in a tech lead or front-end role, you’ll ONLY be matched with jobs where those requirements are true.

Taylor Veino
Taylor Veino
· 2 min read

While we did our best to save you a step and auto-fill your preferred roles based on the headline, skills, or work history you’ve listed on your profile, it’s worth jumping into your profile to verify your preferred roles are accurate. You can find the preferred roles section at the top of your profile:


Here’s what’s coming to the platform:

  • Expanded ways to get your profile in front of more clients

  • Better matching technology to help you land more interviews

A word from the product team:

Our team is laser-focused on improving our matching algorithm, but it’s only powered by the data we receive from your profile. Here’s what you can do to help us help you:

  • Keep your skills up to date and accurate to your technical expertise

  • Add or update the preferred roles section

  • Fill out your full rate card

If setting yourself up for job matching success isn’t enough, check out the badges you can earn (that clients see too) just by improving your profile strength.



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