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How much does it cost to hire a contract developer?

There are dozens of considerations to take into account when asking the question “How much does it cost to hire a contract developer?” We’ve collated the data from hundreds of hires to help find your answer.

Abbey Charles
Abbey Charles
· 3 min read

We get a lot of questions about how to set budgets for adding a new developer (or three) to your team. The short answer is: if you have a budget in mind, we can typically design a solution for you that fits within it. But planning for future headcount and determining per-hire budgets is much easier when you have the numbers in front of you and data to work with. 

To that end, we’re sharing the data we’ve accumulated from our most recent developer hires made on the platform. These numbers represent the averages and ranges for developer costs within their respective experience and geography bands. This is a great place to start to understand how companies who are competing with you for talent think about the investment they’re making with each hire.

Important notes about this data

In looking at the data below, you’ll notice that average rates aren’t linear. Urgency, the number of developers with the skillset you’re looking for, and other hire-specific factors can swing these averages significantly. We recommend using this as a guide, and working other factors in to determine what will best meet your team’s needs.

Finally, if you are actively hiring on, our team is available as a resource to you as you make per-hire investment decisions. While this data is a great starting point, the vast majority of investment decisions hinge on factors outside of this data, and it’s our job to help you navigate these. 

How much does it cost to hire a contract developer?

The data below reflects the amount per month you should budget for a full-time developer. Your needs may vary, as can the way you hire a contractor. The two models we use here at are similar to how many contractors work, and can be easily adapted to your project: buckets of hours vs. a set amount of time.

A bucket of hours is an easy way to engage with a contractor to see how you work together, see what they can accomplish within the given timeframe, and determine if it’s a working relationship you’d like to continue. The other option is to lock in hours, either full-time or part-time, on a recurring monthly basis. These retainer-type contracts are a great way to build a lasting relationship with a great contractor, and level-sets expectations for both you and the freelancer. If you’re ready to talk terms, we’re ready to help you get started.

A pictographic representation of monthly hiring rates for developers in various locations around the world.
< 5 years6-9 years10-15 years16-19 years> 20 years
United States – LOW$14,667$8,000$13,333$10,667$10,667
United States – AVG$16,000$19,467$23,200$19,733$25,600
United States – HIGH$17,333$40,000$37,333$26,667$80,000
European Union – LOW$6,667$8,000$16,000$13,333$10,667
European Union – AVG$13,333$17,067$18,133$20,000$16,800
European Union – HIGH$26,667$33,333$32,000$26,667$26,667
Canada – LOW$8,000$10,667$12,000$16,000$6,133
Canada – AVG$12,800$16,000$18,667$20,000$14,667
Canada – HIGH$18,667$26,667$29,333$26,667$22,667
C./S. America – LOW$8,533$9,333$9,333$12,000No data
C./S. America – AVG$12,000$14,133$14,400$15,467No data
C./S. America – HIGH$16,000$18,667$20,000$18,667No data
Asia – LOW$7,467$8,000$5,333$18,667$12,000
Asia – AVG$14,933$12,800$10,133$18,667$19,200
Asia – HIGH$20,000$21,333$20,000$18,667$26,667

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