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Ways supports engagements post-hire

Most places will get your talent on board and then say sayonara. Not us. When you hire through, you get more than a freelancer on your team, you get our team on it as well. Our Client Success Managers, Client Experience Coordinators, and Technical Talent Advocates are in place to help ensure your engagement runs smoothly, supporting both you and your freelancer at every step of the process.

Abbey Charles
Abbey Charles
· 3 min read

Christina Wocin | Unsplash

So what does this look like? It can be a lot of different things, because every engagement looks different. But on the whole, you can expect everything on this list, and more, when it comes to post-hire support.

Co-create a Scope of Work (SoW) to facilitate understanding of the engagement

Contractors are often brought on for a specific period of time, to complete a specific set of tasks or project. When we sit down with you to create that SoW, it serves to help you understand the extent of work the project will entail, creates boundaries for the engagement to work within, and gives the freelancer a clear picture of what will be expected of them over the course of the contract.

Provide weekly worklogs to get insight into activity

Contractors log their hours of work through our platform, which takes the burden of tracking off of the client. These weekly worklogs will help you to better understand your freelancer’s work patterns.

Provide resources for managing contractors as part of a larger team

For many companies, the contractor or contractors you work with will be a small part of your larger team of direct-hire employees. Whether you’re new to working with contractors or are just looking for extra support, we have a treasure trove of resources to help make your work with them a success.

Best project management practices for non-technical clients

We like to think of ourselves as a tech company in the people business, so we understand that a lot of the clients we work with are people who have incredible skill sets that aren’t always technical, which is more than okay! Project managing something in a technical scope can be challenging, and we want to make sure you understand everything from sprints to scope creep so you can reach the finish line together.

Learn and understand your business roadmap to ease future hiring concerns

We understand the specific projects our freelancers are hired for are often part of a larger mission, so when you need help in the future, we want to make sure that help happens proactively. When we take the time to learn and understand your roadmap, we’re working to identify gaps in your hiring needs and preparing you for what it would take to fill those roles in the future. 

Weekly check ins with our Developer Relations team

Every week, your freelancer receives a quick talent satisfaction question that helps us to gauge how things are going with the engagement. This gives us some predictive insights into morale, performance, and retention metrics, allowing us to tackle issues before they turn into problems.

A team of professionals ready to jump in and help keep things moving

Being proactive isn’t limited to working with our clients. Oftentimes, our freelance talent finds other areas they want to expand into, and from one dev to another, we’re happy to dive into everything from project management to technical issues. And if that guidance isn’t available here? We’ve got an extensive network we can reach out to in order to help everyone level up.

Whether you’re looking for some temporary help or your next full time developer, let help you find the right person for the job.

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