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VueJS interview questions and answers

VueJS is in high demand. As a result, companies are competing against one another to hire the best developers with VueJS expertise.

Scott Stockdale
Scott Stockdale
· 5 min read
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So, to hire the best VueJS developers, you must stand out. Crafting a compelling job description can help you do this. Then, you need to test the skills and knowledge of the developers to see whether they can meet your demands.

Interviews can help you learn more about a candidate’s coding background and test their skills. You’ll get to know your VueJS developer thoroughly, and you can dig into their applications.

But what questions should you ask?

Aside from the standard questions like “What have you accomplished?” and “What are your strengths?”, you’ll want to assess your candidate’s knowledge of the framework. 

And in this blog, you’ll find VueJS interview questions to do this.

VueJS interview questions

Q: What is VueJS?


VueJS is a JavaScript framework that empowers developers to build dynamic user interfaces and single-page applications. 

It takes care of the view layer of an application. It also handles higher-level concerns such as fast DOM rendering, reactive state management, client-side routing, server-side rendering, and other essential tools. 

With VueJS, creating user interfaces becomes seamless and efficient.

Q: How can you share the data between components in a VueJS application?


Data flow is vital for transferring information between components.

Developers use props when sending data from a parent to a child component. Props are custom attributes that you register on a component. That component instance becomes a property when a value is supplied to those props attributes. 

As a result, all modifications made by the parent component reflect in the prop attribute of the child component. 

There are some scenarios where you need communication back to the parent component (i.e. child to parent), which is why Vue instances are so helpful. These instances provide a timeline of events to solve the case.

The parent component can use ‘v-on’ to listen to any event on the child component, whilst the child component can use the $emit method to emit any event.

Q: Explain two-way binding


Two-way binding in VueJS updates the other side of the binding as one side changes—specifically, two-way binding changes the data model if the template changes, and vice versa. 

This bind means user input can synchronize with the output, which makes the application behave reactively.

You can implement two-way binding in VueJS through the v-model directive. The v-model reacts to the user input event and triggers the change in the template.

Q: What are the advantages of using VueJS?


Here’s a list of advantages of using VueJS:

Small In size

One of VueJS’ biggest advantages is that it’s small in size. At only 18-21KB, VueJS can be downloaded and used easily in no time.

Easy to understand and use

VueJS is easy to understand, which is one of the reasons it’s so popular. Developers can easily add VueJS to their web project and develop applications because of its simple structure.

Integrates with existing applications

VueJS can easily integrate with existing applications. It has lots of components for everything. You can also integrate it with any application that’s written in JavaScript.


VueJS’ flexibility makes it easy to understand for developers of React JS, Angular JS, and other JavaScript frameworks. For example, VueJS lets developers use virtual nodes to write HTML files, JavaScript files, and pure JavaScript files.

Virtual DOM

VueJS uses virtual DOM, just like other frameworks such as React JS and Ember. Virtual DOM is a lightweight in-memory tree representation of the original HTML DOM that updates without affecting the original DOM.

Q: Describe the distinction between v-show and v-if?


Items are shown or hidden using v-show and v-if. However, there are some distinctions. 

The main distinction is v-if directive renders a block conditionally. It features lazy behavior, which means that if the initial condition is false, the block won’t render until it changes. During a condition change, v-if destroys and recreates the elements.

When your condition does not frequently change at runtime, use the v-if directive because it has a lower initial render cost but a higher toggling cost.

Developers can also use the v-show directive to render a block conditionally. The element is always rendered by v-show. Instead of removing the element or block from the DOM, it simply sets the CSS show attribute.

It has a high initial rendering cost but a low toggle cost, so use the v-show directive if you need to toggle frequently.

Q: Explain how to use $parent


VueJS developers use $parent to retrieve the parent component instance in the child component. It’s helpful when testing and debugging a programme is challenging, and you need help determining where a mutation comes from. 

Vue also has a $child function that returns a child component instance, similar to $parent.

Q: Describe the component of a single file


Single File Components (SFCs) are similar to other components in that they’re contained in their own files. Here are some of the benefits of SFCs:

  • Global Definitions – All SFCs are globally registered and have unique names.
  • Robust Templates – Instead of using a single template property, developers can create template code in SFCs.
  • CSS Support – SFCs let developers apply CSS to the component itself.
  • Support for preprocessors – Preprocessors like babel, SAAS, and others can be used in SFCs.

Meet available, vetted talent today!

So these VueJS interview questions should help you hire an expert developer or two for your company.

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