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Top 5 tech job boards for growing technology companies

Whether you’re hiring software engineers, growth marketers, operations associates, or product leads, finding the right talent to propel your technology company forward can be harder than finding a needle in a haystack. 

Faith Benson
Faith Benson
· 3 min read

It’s not finding candidates that’s the puzzle; it’s building (and eventually sifting through) a stack of diverse candidates that have the right chutzpah. That perfect, while somewhat intangible, mix of hustle, critical thinking, and an unbreakable growth mindset. 

If you’re lucky, you have a generous and well-connected network that just happens to recommend the right person at the right time. 

If you’re like most other technology companies, though, your pipeline could use some love. Leaning too heavily on your network likely means your candidate pool is qualified, but fairly homogeneous. Constantly posting on huge, unspecialized job boards, on the other hand, can create a massive vetting backlog and (potentially) no qualified hits. 

To put a dent in this predicament, I’ve assembled a non-exhaustive list of the best job boards for technology companies to find their next home-run hire. I’ve both hired and been hired through each of the platforms below, and I’ve found them all to consistently provide qualified candidates for startups and growing tech companies.

Imagine if your one hyper-connected tech executive friend, that one who has hooked you up with a few incredible talent recommendations in the past, actually had a network of over 3k developers who she or he had vetted personally. If you’re hiring software engineers, product experts, or designers, that’s exactly what is. has a pre-vetted pool of talented and business-minded developers who can plug into your team right when, and for as long as, you need them. Whether you’re looking for a project-based engagement or a full-time member of your team, they’ve got you covered. Bonus: the team at posts your job, filters and vets candidates, and then introduces you to the best matches – so it’s like a job board with VIP treatment.

Career Contessa

Post with Career Contessa, and you’ll be sharing screen space with the likes of Outdoor Voices, Zapier, Hubspot, and Twitter. From coaching to content to a free job board, the team at Career Contessa is dedicated to connecting women with the resources they need to win the career of their dreams. Their mission is impressive, and because of this their community is full of motivated and savvy professionals looking to be connected to companies of the same pedigree. 

The Muse

Each year, (literally) millions of job seekers and hiring managers use The Muse to get that bread. Like Career Contessa, The Muse offers career coaching and a free job board for job seekers, and the platform also encourages employers to offer a more honest view into their culture and values through current employee stories and testimonials. 

Tech Ladies

Founded by a Google alumna, Tech Ladies is a community of 50k professionals strong. Both members and job posters are hand-vetted by their team, so the chances of meeting and hiring a right-fit candidate from this impressive job board are high. 


Raise your virtual hand if you’ve ever been confused by the seniority of a candidate and/or the seniority required or expected for a particular job post? Yeah, that’s what I thought. If you’re specifically looking for highly-qualified, senior talent, I suggest checking out Ladders. This job board focuses solely on the $100k+ job market, which is a unique and seemingly effective way to sharpen your candidate search criteria even further.

Whether you’re looking for some temporary help or your next full time developer, let help you find the right person for the job.

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