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Scott Stockdale

Scott Stockdale

I write long-form content for SaaS and eCommerce companies to help them reach new customers. I also work with Zero To Mastery as their SEO instructor.

8 freelance websites to hire Python developers

Python is a flexible and easy-to-learn programming language. These factors make it a popular choice for developers. Companies can also use Python in data analysis, web development, automation, and many other tasks. However, hiring Python developers can be a challenge. The demand for Python developers has led to a shortage of skilled candidates, and the […]

Front end developer React JS job description

React JS is an in-demand JavaScript library developers use to build user interfaces.  And because the library is in such high demand, hiring top React developers can take time and effort. They, too, are in high demand, and you’re competing against global companies to bring them into your company. But there’s some good news! A […]

React Native developer job description

React Native is a cross-platform JavaScript framework. It lets developers create mobile apps for iOS and Android using a single codebase. React Native also lets developers reuse their code.  Both of these features significantly reduce the time and cost of creating apps. For these reasons and more, React Native has become increasingly popular since its […]

8 best sites to hire JavaScript developers

JavaScript is a popular programming language used in front-end and back-end development.  Despite being around for well over two decades, JavaScript’s future is secure. This is thanks to popular front-end frameworks like Ember, React, and Vue. Node.js will continue to be a dominant force on the server side too.
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