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Until a contract is in place between a hirer and, all communication with clients is handled by Once a contract is in place, hirers and candidates will be given each other’s contact information to work together directly.

When developers sign on as consultants, they agree to not contact clients outside of the platform until they begin working together. If you’d like to send a thank-you note after an interview, just email or Slack it to your contact, and we’ll send it along to them. We ask that you don’t message them on social platforms.

Before working with developers on the platform, clients sign a two year non-solicitation agreement. If clients are interested in working with the developer again after the initial engagement has ended, they’ll reach out via, and we’ll spin another engagement back up if the developer is interested and available. Developers are totally welcome to keep a professional relationship with their past clients, knowing that they’ve committed to a two year non-solicitation.

In some cases, clients are interested in taking the relationship off of the platform. If this is something the developer is interested in (keeping in mind it removes their platform benefits like billing, payments, relationship intermediary, etc), works out a buy-out agreement with the client.

For hirers: Once you are sent the top candidates for your role, we will arrange intro calls with any of the candidates you’d like to talk to. organizes the Zoom calls, and one of us will also sit in so we can answer any process questions. Be sure all members of your team who are involved in hiring decisions are present for the call. We ask that you provide feedback on each candidate within one day of the call.

For developers: You’ll receive a calendar invitation with a link for the call from the team. A member of our DevRel team will provide feedback to you as quickly as possible after the call.

To help you make the most of this time, you can reference our interview guides for hirers and candidates here and here, respectively.

Once contracts are in place, talent and hirers are connected directly to work together how they see fit. provides support to both parties as needed and handles hours tracking, billing, and payments.

“How much” is easy: you’ll be paid exactly the rate you request.

One of the most compelling reasons to work through is that we handle all billing and pay you consistently and predictably—so you don’t have to chase your clients for payment.

Each payment will cover a week of logged time, and pays you in weekly increments on net 30 terms. This means that each billing week’s hours will be paid out 30 days from the end of that week. In simpler terms, you’ll get a paycheck every week after your first month with a client.

You only pay when you start working with a candidate you love.

We don’t have standard prices on Instead, we offer flexible retainers based on your needs, the project at hand, and developers’ salary expectations. These retainers start at $5,000 per month, which includes’s fee. You’ll see the full price upfront on developers’ profiles; there are no additional fees.

For full-time, salaried placements, we charge a fee of 20% of their negotiated first-year salary at your company.

Yes. We do contract engagements, contract to hire, and full time salaried hires. Of the three, contract to hire tends to be a favorite among clients and developers since it allows you to roll the developer right onto the project to see their fit and performance before making a full-time hire.

All developers on the platform must pass an algorithmic screening, a work history and background review, and a live technical interview with a senior engineer. We have around 1,000 new developers join the platform each month, and of these, about 100 are approved to work with clients.

Only talent users with approved profiles will be presented as finalists for jobs. To get to this status, users must pass an initial screening, complete their profile and have it rated by staff, and undergo a technical approval call with a senior staff developer.

On average, clients make a hire within 13 days of requesting a candidate on the platform.

All opportunities are with companies that have been personally vetted by the team. We assess price tolerance and technical expectations before introducing clients to our talent. Typical clients are profitable software companies and recently-funded startups looking for their first few technical partners.

Longer-term contract roles.

70% of currently engaged devs have 10+ years of experience.

When a client wants to hire you, negotiates rate on your behalf. Negotiations are not required the vast majority of the time, as clients typically agree to pay the hourly rate you requested in your profile.

As a contractor, you will execute a contract with You only have to do this once, and it applies to all work you do on the platform. For each new gig, executes a contract with the client, secures pre-payment if possible, and introduces you directly so you can begin work.

Clients typically start with a one-time block of hours to be sure the fit is right. That means these first hours are the most important part of the engagement – it’s your chance to really shine. After that, the goal is to get each client on a recurring subscription so you can forecast your work several months out. handles these agreements, and you’ll always be informed of how many hours your client has purchased from you.

Candidly, our platform is mostly optimized for individual freelancers and job seekers at this time. Most of our clients are looking to work alongside an individual or have them contribute to an existing team.

Meet available, vetted talent today

Whether you need a founding developer or a senior architect, we have you covered.