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What can you do with Angular?

We rely on web and mobile apps, from social media to online banking, to go about our daily lives. These apps provide seamless user experiences, thanks to frameworks like Angular. These frameworks also make app development reliable and robust.

So what can you do with Angular?

In this blog, we’ll cover its most common uses and explore why it continues to be one of the world’s most popular programming languages.

Scott Stockdale
Scott Stockdale
· 5 min read
What can you do with Angular? | Interior shot of a building with multiple hard angles made up of glass cubes and walkways.

Lance Anderson | Unsplash

What is Angular used for?

Angular is a popular web development framework for delivering rich user experiences, fast responsiveness, and maintainable code. 

The language is in the JavaScript ecosystem and has gained popularity since Google introduced it in 2009. It’s become one of the most sought-after JavaScript frameworks, simplifying front-end development and making it more accessible.

What can you do with Angular? One of its most popular uses is creating single-page applications (SPAs). These applications require only a single HTML document that dynamically updates the user interface in response to user interactions. Well-known examples of SPAs include Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, and GitHub.

Angular simplifies building interactive SPAs by leveraging templating, two-way binding, modularization, RESTful API handling, dependency injection, and AJAX handling. In addition, unlike other frameworks, Angular eliminates the need for external libraries to achieve dynamic functionality.

As Angular continues to evolve and empower developers, it remains a compelling choice for web development.

Three key features of Angular

Now that we have a basic understanding of what Angular is and what it’s used for, let’s look at some of Angular’s key features. These features could help you decide whether Angular would be an excellent choice for your development projects.

#1: Uses Typescript

Angular apps have a significant advantage over other JavaScript frameworks because they’re built using TypeScript – an enhanced version of JavaScript. TypeScript brings numerous benefits.

One key advantage is that TypeScript allows for “typing” an application, enabling more effortless scalability and bug detection during coding. These two factors save developers time and reduce the likelihood of errors. 

TypeScript facilitates debugging by allowing direct code debugging in the browser. This facilitation improves navigation, refactoring, and auto-completion services, providing a smoother development experience. 

Additionally, TypeScript offers flexibility, allowing developers to opt out of its built-in features when necessary.

#2: Google Ecosystem

With Angular, you can rely on an active community and the support of Google. Google provides Long-Term Support for Angular, demonstrating its commitment to the framework’s future and the scalability of the Angular ecosystem. 

And if this commitment was ever in doubt, Google walks the walk. Google’s applications use Angular.

Angular’s team also supports essential libraries and solutions, meaning developers don’t need to depend on uncertain third-party code. In addition, the team constantly improves documentation, ensuring developers can access valuable resources.

Furthermore, Angular simplifies the development process by delivering all the necessary tools “out-of-the-box.” This solution eliminates the need for developers to search for specialized problem solvers or debate the merits of different tools.

#3: Testing framework

Angular provides comprehensive testing tools, significantly benefiting developers and the software development process. 

These built-in testing tools enable faster development and facilitate seamless refactoring. Developers can focus on writing code without requiring extensive manual code review, as frequent tests help detect and reduce errors. This detection ultimately saves valuable time for engineers and reduces costs.

Angular also lets developers deviate from out-of-the-box solutions when necessary. However, given how comprehensive Angular’s libraries are, this need to deviate is rare. 

What can you do with Angular?

Now that you know the benefits of using this framework, what can you do with Angular? Let’s find out.

Here are our top three Angular uses.

#1: Single-page applications (SPAs)

When it comes to Angular and SPAs, they’re a perfect combination. 

SPAs offer a seamless user experience which sets them apart from traditional multi-page applications. Angular is a popular choice for developing SPAs because it enhances the user experience. Angular also handles controls and error handling seamlessly. 

With its robust routing and efficient data management capabilities, building SPAs with Angular is easy. It streamlines development and optimizes performance.

#2: Mobile apps

Angular is an excellent tool for building mobile apps. 

Naturally, you can use the framework to build an app on any device. All you need to do is install MongoDB and NodeJS on your system. Then, using modules and REST services, you can create your app.

Developers can also combine Angular with NativeScript – another open-source framework that lets them build iOS and Android apps. 

Hybrid apps may be preferred, though, as they reduce developer costs and save you money. In this case, developers can use Ionic to create a hybrid app that provides an almost native-like experience but shares the majority of code between the iOS and Android platforms.

#3: Animations

UI animations can make or break your app.

Angular’s team knows this, and they created a module as part of the official library that makes designing and implementing animations a delight for your team.

You and your developer team can create animations and style them with ng-style. You can also use the ng-app, ng-animate, and ng-style directives to create beautiful animations. 

Meet available, vetted talent today!

So what can you do with Angular? As we’ve seen, Angular is a versatile framework that can do a bunch of things. It’s popular with developers, and the examples we’ve gone through show just a few of the many possibilities.

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