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Dev agencies: different types and what do they do?

You have several options when building a website or creating software. For example, you could work with software development companies (aka “dev shops” or “dev agencies”), hire a developer to join your team, or hire a freelance web developer.

Scott Stockdale
Scott Stockdale
· 7 min read
Dev agencies: different types and what they do | Black and white image shot through glass of two people working on their computers.

Charles Deluvio | Unsplash

If you go down the dev agency route, you must choose one that’s most appropriate. Engage with an agency that’s not the right fit and they won’t meet your needs during the development process. 

This wrong choice can lead to delays, unmatched expectations, and money down the drain.

So in this post, we explore the different types of dev agencies, examine the pros and cons of each, and offer tips when deciding which type to go with.

What do dev agencies do?

Dev agencies work with clients to create software that meets their needs.

When it comes to web development, a web development agency builds and maintains high-quality websites that meet business needs. 

These agencies specialize in various aspects of web development, ensuring their websites are visually appealing, easy to navigate, and fully functional.

Why hire a dev agency?

While building your own software may be tempting, working with a dev agency can be beneficial. Namely, they can help you create high-quality, functional software that generates significant business value.

With web development, a high-quality website goes beyond just being visually appealing. It’s fully functional, easy to navigate, and engages visitors when they land on your site. 

A specialist web development agency brings expertise in web development, design, and user experience, ensuring your website looks great and provides valuable information for your target audience.

One of the key advantages of hiring a dev agency is the potential for outstanding results at a relatively affordable cost. 

For example, building a website can be time-consuming, requiring specialized skills and knowledge. Outsourcing this task to a web development agency can save valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on other core aspects of your business. 

Dev agencies are also equipped with the latest tools and technologies, meaning they can create SEO-optimized websites. This optimization can increase brand visibility and web traffic.

When it comes to driving business growth, conversions play a pivotal role. A professional dev agency understands the importance of designing a website that attracts visitors and guides them towards actions, such as making a purchase or submitting an inquiry. 

By implementing call-to-action elements and optimizing your website’s funnel, they help maximize the chances of turning visitors into paying customers.

Ultimately, the primary goal of any business is to generate revenue, and a well-designed website acts as a powerful sales tool. By showcasing your products or services in an enticing manner, your website can help drive sales.

Web development agency roles

A web dev agency is made up of experts who work together to meet client requirements and deliver successful end products. 

Key roles within a web dev agency include project managers, IT specialists, frontend developers, backend developers, web designers, security specialists, app developers, QA testers, system administrators, and more. 

Together, they create custom websites, apps, or digital platforms with the features that clients require.

Specializations of web development agencies

Dev agencies specialize in different areas of web development, catering to the diverse needs of businesses. Here are some common specializations you’ll find within these agencies:

  • Design and development: These dev agencies focus on creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites.
  • Software development: Some software dev agencies specialize in software engineering, such as Laravel and PHP development. They will likely expect you or your team to handle strategic direction and project management.
  • Front-end and back-end development: Agencies that specialize in front-end development focus on UX and navigation menus, while back-end developers handle the servers and behind-the-scenes functionality.
  • E-commerce design and development: Agencies with expertise in e-commerce design and development assist businesses in building robust online stores and implementing secure payment systems.
  • Platform-focused or platform-agnostic development: Depending on your requirements, agencies may specialize in developing websites for specific platforms like WordPress and Shopify, or they can work across multiple platforms.
  • Website maintenance and support: Many dev agencies also provide support and maintenance services. These services help websites remain up-to-date, secure, and perform optimally.
  • Technical SEO optimization: Some web dev agencies specialize in SEO, improving a website’s visibility and driving traffic.

Choosing the right dev agency

If you’re considering partnering with a software dev agency, evaluating your needs and future growth potential is essential. Consider the following factors:

  • Service offerings: Determine whether the software dev agency provides technical development and additional services like business strategy, UX/UI design, and quality assurance management.
  • Expertise and versatility: Assess the agency’s experience in developing web applications, their background in UI/UX design, and their ability to work across multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android.
  • Scalability and support: Consider whether the dev agency can handle the complexities of developing with user experience in mind and provide additional support if needed.
  • Regulatory compliance: If your business operates in heavily regulated industries like fintech or healthcare, ensure that the dev agency has the expertise to meet regulatory requirements and comply with applicable laws.

You can find a software development agency that aligns with your specific needs and goals by carefully considering these factors. Choosing the right one will lead to better collaboration and better software solutions.

How much do these dev agencies charge?

Most web development agencies charge between $100 to $175 per hour, but agencies outside the U.S. can charge as little as $55-$75 per hour.

Charging hourly allows companies to dedicate certain parts of the day to your project, and you can see the breakdown at the end of the day. However, your business needs to create a budget to keep costs under control.

All in all, the cost of a professional website varies based on your brand’s needs. For example, a simple site will be easier to produce than an in-depth booking service.

Regarding project-based pricing, new projects are typically valued between $10,000 and $50,000, regardless of the location.

Working with a freelance developer instead

If you decide the cost is too much and you don’t want to work with dev agencies, hiring a freelance developer could be for you instead.

Freelancers offer unique advantages that make them an attractive option for companies of all sizes. Let’s explore some key benefits of hiring a freelance web developer.

Flexibility and cost-effectiveness

Freelancers often have flexible schedules, allowing them to work on your project at your most convenient times. 

Moreover, hiring a freelance web developer can be cost-effective compared to working with a full-time employee or web development agency. Freelancers typically operate on a project-by-project basis, allowing you to control your budget and allocate resources accordingly.

Here at, we don’t have standard prices. Instead, we offer flexible retainers based on your needs, the project, and the developers’ salary expectations. These retainers start at $5,000 per month, which includes our fee. You’ll see the total price upfront on developers’ profiles. 

There are no extra fees.

Specialized expertise

Freelance web developers often specialize in areas such as front-end development, back-end programming, or user experience design. This specialization means you can handpick a freelancer with the required skills and expertise for your project.  

Their specialized knowledge allows them to deliver high-quality work and keep updated with the latest industry trends and best practices.

Here at Gun, we have a vetted network of thousands of developers who have skills in a range of programming languages, including Python, Java, and many others.

Direct communication and collaboration

Working directly with a freelance web developer fosters direct communication and collaboration. This eliminates potential communication barriers that can occur within an agency. 

With direct access to the freelancer, you can communicate your vision, provide feedback, and have a more hands-on approach throughout development. This close collaboration ensures that your website aligns with your expectations and goals.

At Gun, we’ll connect you with a freelance developer once contracts are in place, and you can then work together as you see fit. We also support both parties as needed and handle hours tracking, billing, and payments.

Speed and efficiency

Freelancers are motivated to deliver exceptional work on time. As they work independently, they can focus solely on your project without the distractions of other concurrent assignments. 

This focus increases efficiency and turnaround times, allowing you to launch your website or implement updates faster.

Ongoing support and maintenance

Even after your software launches, freelance web developers can provide ongoing support and maintenance services. Whether fixing bugs, implementing updates, or optimizing performance, you can rely on the same developer who built your website to handle its maintenance. 

This continuity ensures your website remains secure, up-to-date, and fully functional.

Meet available, vetted talent today

Are you looking for further help with hiring a freelance web developer (or three)? If so, we’ve got you covered. Click the button below so we can help you on your talent hunt today!

Whether you’re looking for some temporary help or your next full time developer, let help you find the right person for the job.

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