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8 ways to build remote team culture

The days of clocking in at 9 and leaving the office at 5 are long gone in the digital working age. Many teams are spread out in different offices or can even be entirely remote. Building culture on your team is difficult no matter the dynamic, but distributed teams have a greater hurdle to jump. 

How to hire a JavaScript developer

That Javascript, it’s so hot right now. Time to hire a JavaScript developer? Honestly, that’s probably a good idea. JavaScript doesn’t just run on the front end, but has become a powerhouse for creating full-featured and full-functioning web applications. Users expect snappy, responsive sites and intuitive interfaces. If it’s on the web, JavaScript is there.

How to handle time zones as a digital nomad

One of the hardest things about being a digital nomad is dealing with time zone changes as you travel around the world. If you are like most digital nomads, your primary client base is still based in your country of origin. For me personally, my clients were primarily in the United States.

Large Django project management

As a freelance developer, I have been involved in numerous Django projects. Moving from smaller projects with only a few apps to complex larger projects is difficult to do. In most cases, I have to get my hands dirty, work on a few bug fixes to familiarize myself with the codebase. Before that though, it’s […]

Building Vagrant machines with Packer

Sharing a common development environment with everyone on your team is important. It is really hard though to keep the same dependencies, database versions and other systems in sync between different machines. Let’s look at building a Vagrant machine to do just that.
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