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When personalities and programming styles clash

Like any group of individuals working together, developers all have their own way of doing things. When you add different programming styles, personalities, priorities, and opinions into the mix, there’s bound to be a time when things don’t go as smoothly as they should. 

Expert advice on mitigating hiring risk

There are plenty of ways to mitigate hiring risk: proper vetting, matching for company culture, and fractional work, to name a few. We recently talked about our own approach to it, but thought it would be great to dive into what other industry experts have to say.

How to avoid scope creep

When it comes to building out a project, putting a plan in place is paramount to its success. One of the biggest challenges to any plan is scope creep, which happens when the scope of the project expands beyond its originally established boundaries.’s framework for reducing hiring risk

Few things slow the velocity of innovation like a lack of bandwidth and expertise. Oftentimes, the best ideas get put on the back burner, because committing to them means also committing to a time and resource-intensive hiring process (one that runs the risk of not even working out). It’s a perennial catch-22 that usually ends […]

AI and ML tools to help you hire

When it comes to hiring, everyone wishes it was easier, us included (that’s why we’re here, after all). And while ChatGPT has certainly received the lion’s share of press over its capabilities, the reality is that there is a treasure trove of AI and ML (machine learning) hiring tools that can help take the edge […]

Technical decision-making beyond the tech stack

When you think about technical decision-making within your company, how many of those decisions come down to just the stack you’ll be developing with? It turns out there are far more choices you’ll have to make, and making them early on will help to avoid headaches down the road.
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