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What’s your software development WorkStyle?

You’ve most likely taken some form of a personal assessment. Myers-Briggs, enneagram, Rorschach, or even BuzzFeed’s classic “Which Office character are you?” test. Whether you’re a 7 with a 4 wing or Dwight Schrute, the end goal is to gain better insight into how you operate in the world. 

Taylor Veino
Taylor Veino
· 4 min read

These tests allow you to use your findings to better navigate your relationships and work. But, what about a test to help you gain insight to yourself as a software developer? Yup, that exists.

WorkStyle by

We’ve created the world’s first WorkStyle assessment built specifically for software developers.

In the same way many companies use the enneagram to gauge their employees’ strengths to place them in the best-fit role within their team, engineering teams use the WorkStyle assessment to identify development-specific strengths within their team.

The 5 WorkStyles

In our 10-minute assessment, we analyze your WorkStyle based on one of five categories, each based on down-time needs, core motivations, collaboration techniques, and more. However, because you’re not a robot (obviously), you’ll never be categorized as 100% one WorkStyle. Upon your completion, you’ll be presented with a spider graph that illustrates your unique WorkStyle, with a full breakdown of how to cultivate your best work.

The Leader

While the leader may seem self explanatory, they aren’t always the leader in the traditional sense of a team. The leader consistently keeps the big picture of a development project top of mind. They’re less concerned with the small to-do’s and more concerned with working towards a larger goal while keeping the morale of the team boosted. Since the leader is the first to take initiative, the team looks to them for guidance and support.

The Innovator

The innovator is a problem magnet, in a good way! Innovators thrive on identifying and solving problems by thinking of solutions outside of the box. The best work environment for an innovator provides ample space for ownership and uninhibited strategizing. Within a team setting, an innovator plays the role of the visionary. Teammates often look to the innovator to broaden the perspective of their development project.

The Partner

The partner is the classmate you would have wanted to work on a group project with in school. They are the master collaborator. They thrive on partnering up with their teammates to maximize quality and efficiency of output. The partner’s talent fuses to every aspect of a project, allowing them to wear many hats to be as helpful as possible wherever they’re needed.

The Producer

The producer makes shit happen, period. They go 100 miles an hour at all times, infusing energy throughout the team. Producers thrive on a team that allows them to be fully autonomous to take off towards their team’s goal. In the same way a producer is fully committed to the team’s goal, they are extremely determined to constantly improve by valuing feedback from their teammates.

The Artisan

The artisan is the artist of the group. They are motivated by the small details and craftsmanship needed for the project. The artisan sees the beauty in the code and brings a different perspective to the team in the eyes of the user. The team looks to the artisan to push the boundaries of what’s possible, and to keep the team’s eye on quality and design.

Take the assessment