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AI and ML tools to help you hire

When it comes to hiring, everyone wishes it was easier, us included (that’s why we’re here, after all). And while ChatGPT has certainly received the lion’s share of press over its capabilities, the reality is that there is a treasure trove of AI and ML (machine learning) hiring tools that can help take the edge off of the process.

Abbey Charles
Abbey Charles
· 6 min read
Picture of a white robot holding a computer

Alex Knight | Unsplash

When it comes to tools, there are three categories to look at: sourcing, screening, and interviewing. They can be used alone or in combination, depending on the needs of your company. If, for example, you’re having a hard time sourcing, but want to screen and interview potential candidates on your own, you can use only the tools that suit you. 



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You’d be surprised how important language is when it comes to attracting the right candidates to your job posting. You may also be surprised to learn that our normal day-to-day language is rife with hidden bias. That’s where Textio comes in: their aim is to “eliminate bias in job posts, sourcing mail, and employer brand content before it filters out great candidates.” They do this by identifying language that indicates social bias, and suggesting changes to it that make your job postings, outreach emails, and branding more inclusive.

By ensuring you’re using language that attracts the widest range of candidates, you’re also ensuring you’re reaching a larger number of qualified candidates. In addition to their recruiting technology, they also recently implemented a tool for performance management, giving managers real-time guidance for fair and effective feedback.


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If your company has a tendency to need niche roles filled, hireEZ may be a great tool to look into. Their AI recruiting software pulls criteria from past and current job titles, ATS entries, and more to identify candidates for hyper-specific roles, and then reaches out to them. Candidates are sourced from over 45 (!!!) different platforms, and hireEZ has an 85% success rate in making contact.

With a pool of 800,000,000 candidate profiles to choose from, there’s bound to be at least a handful of those oh-so-elusive unicorns in the mix. 


HiredScore Logo

How many times has a first impression left you thinking it was going to be an unimpressive resume, only to be surprised by what the contents actually held? HiredScore is looking to eliminate that with their Spotlight tool. The software parses applications and gives every applicant an automatic and unbiased score against the job posting. Once you’ve climbed the learning curve in using the tech, it can cut resume screening time by up to 68%. No wonder 45% of Fortune 100 companies rely on them.

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While the interview process itself takes a lot of time, perhaps the largest chunk of that time is consumed with communication and setup.’s HR chatbots and interview assistants save you countless hours of valuable time by implementing AI-backed conversations that help applicants provide information in a relatable, conversational format. It also allows your company to expand the ways potential candidates can contact you about a job, like having them scan a QR code that gets the conversation started immediately.

And when you’re ready to schedule an interview? can take care of that too, with a quick text offering up interview times. All of it automated, all of it personalized.


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While getting talent that’s technically capable is usually the focus of the search, we all know that soft skills are what really help people to succeed in the workplace. But how do you test for those? Do you just wait until it’s too late to find out someone isn’t a good cultural fit? Not if Pymetrics has anything to say about it. 

Pymetrics is a soft-skills platform that is “using data-driven behavioral insights and audited AI to create a more efficient, effective, and fair hiring process across the talent lifecycle.” The results they’ve seen speak for themselves: a whopping 198% increase in retention, 62% more female representation, and a 59% decrease in time to hire.


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There’s not a software developer alive who hasn’t had experience with HackerRank, which means it’s well-suited to aggregating a lot of data about coding, and always fine-tuning their approach. It’s the perfect pairing with Pymetrics if you’re looking to include both soft and technical skills, as HackerRank focuses on four pillars of assessment: job relevance, field-tested unbiased content, validation studies, and reliability studies.

When it comes to ranking technical talent, HackerRank’s technical challenges and live interviews are hard to beat.



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Talocity has a range of options in its arsenal, allowing you to pick and choose which ones fit the needs of the position you’re hiring for. One-way interviews use tonal and facial analysis to determine how someone communicates and carries themselves, while typing tests determine how quickly a potential candidate can perform. They also offer ATS management, which can come in handy when you’ve got a great position open.


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If you’re looking for a really comprehensive solution for the interviewing and hiring process, take a look at HireVue. They offer video interviews, assessments, job search automation, scheduling, interview builders, and even text engagement to interact with candidates. They even have options to gamify parts of the process! 

Wrapping up

If hiring is on your plate, spend some time looking through tools that can cut your time commitment, get quality candidates in your potential pool, and bring on someone who gels with your team. 

And if you don’t trust the robots just yet? Don’t worry, is here to help, with real humans vetting real candidates in real time.

Whether you’re looking for some temporary help or your next full time developer, let help you find the right person for the job.

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