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Making the most of open source software

How many times have you seen software that seemed so close to what you wanted, if only you could make a few tweaks to perfect it? If this is you, it sounds like open source software may be just the thing you’re looking to use for your next project.

Choosing a project management framework

Feeling stuck on which project management framework to go with? There are pros and cons to both, but finding the one that works for you and your team will ultimately lead to completing projects on time, on budget, and most importantly, just the way you thought it would.

Meeting WCAG accessibility standards in software design

When you set out to build a new web product, the importance of meeting WCAG accessibility standards from the start can’t be understated. Not only does it ensure your product is available to a wider range of users, it can also help you to build a cleaner and easier to understand interface right off the […]

Contract to hire vs direct hire

One thing that comes up a lot in conversations with new clients centers around our deeper focus on contract and contract-to-hire positions, over the more traditional direct-hire model. With the trend in the tech industry heading towards more contract and contract-to-hire roles, how do you know what’s right?

Exploring the Ballmer Peak

Named after one of the founding fathers of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, this peak references the point at which you are just inebriated enough to be exponentially better at software development than you are when sober. And with an old trope of “write drunk, edit sober” ringing in my ears, I decided we needed to do […]

Bad WFH habits to kick in the new year

The beginning of a new year represents a lot of things to a lot of people, but the one thing we all have in common is that we’re trying to start it off by “being better”, whatever that means to each individual. With the amount of home office work happening these days, 2023 might be […]

101 things we learned this year

Our daily “stand up” is more of an async update in a Slack channel. And every Friday, that update includes something we have each learned that week. These facts are sometimes useful, occasionally a little dark, and always entertaining. For your end-of-the-year reading pleasure, here are 101 facts we’d like to share with you.

Tackling programmer’s block

We’ve all been there: you’re staring at lines and lines of letters, numbers, and punctuation marks, wondering where it all went wrong. Wondering why a single good idea won’t grace your brainwaves with its presence. Wondering why you’re the one suffering from programmer’s block. Let’s get unstuck together.

Do more with less meetings

How many meetings do you have in a day? In a week? What if you could do more with less meetings? It sounds like a dream come true, but we promise you can make it happen in real life too.

October 2022 Engineering update

As we head into the last couple months of the year, our engineering team is hard at work and pushing for a strong finish. When it came to October’s work, usability and personalization topped the list.
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