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Engineering update: June 2021

Digest emails right to your inbox, and increase your profile strength by earning badges.

Taylor Veino
Taylor Veino
· 3 min read

Digest Emails

For freelancers:

We’ve improved the way we notify job-seekers about opportunities with better matching, more roles, and less noise—straight to your inbox.


More Roles and Less Noise

We get so stoked when a client posts a role that matches a developer’s preferences. So stoked that we used to ping them every time they were matched…

We still get excited, but we’ve taken it down a notch, and send one email on a daily basis with a list of all the current jobs that match your preferences.

Not receiving these job digest emails? Verify your email notifications are turned on, you’ve passed screening, or create a profile on!

Better matching

We’ve gone beyond matching based on top skills alone. Now we match on additional dimensions like:

  • Geographic location

  • Required skills

  • Engagement type: contract or salary 

For clients:

Clients will now receive a daily candidate digest email to stay up to date on which candidates are still available, and which ones are in the running for another role. From there, you can directly book an interview with candidates you’re most interested in, so you never miss out on your ideal candidate. 

Hiring happens fast around here, so we want to make it easy for you to keep track of your candidates’ status. In most cases, one developer can match several different roles at a time, so getting interviews on the books as soon as possible is the key to landing your favorite candidate… before they’re snatched up by another project.


Telegram Bot

Perhaps our most exciting release: the Telegram bot

We know the job search comes at you fast, so we created a way for developers to integrate job searching with an app you’re probably already using. (1)

Whether you need to quickly edit your availability, update your skill preferences, or view and apply to jobs- the Telegram bot will update your profile and keep your job searching process streamlined, all in one place.

Check out this full breakdown on how to use the Telegram bot, so you don’t miss out on the action.


Showcase your accomplishments and increase your profile strength by earning badges. We know the more you can share about yourself with hiring companies the better and badges are an easy (and automatic) way of boosting your profile. Log in now to see what you’ve already earned…


Just call us Gun-Dot-I-Oprah because when you:

  • Take our WorkStyle Assessment? You get a badge.

  • Get hired on your first gig? Get a badge.

  • Are in the 90th percentile on a code test? You, my friend, get a badge.

You get the idea. Whether it’s your participation within the platform, high-demand technical skills, or winning big on a job—you get a badge on your profile that makes these accomplishments clear to potential clients. 


Coming Soon

That’s a wrap on Q2! Here’s what to look forward to in Q3: 

  • Better status updates for job applicants: we know waiting to hear from clients sucks. We’re working to get you a firm yes/no within seven days, and status updates along the way delivered personally by your rep. 

  • More proactive pitching: if you’re actively looking for new work, we’re working to present you to at least one client within thirty days.

Learn more