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Taylor Veino

Taylor Veino

Brand Manager at

Engineering update: August 2021

In our July engineering update, we walked you through how we’ve been working to improve the way we match you to the best-fit roles. This month, we’ve been focused on the most pivotal stage of your job-seeking process: interviewing.

How to get paid on time

Fact: being paid on time for your work should be simple. Another fact: a third of freelance invoices are paid late (particularly if you’re a woman). After facilitating hundreds of thousands of freelancer payments, we’ve been able to pinpoint what works when you want to know how to get paid on time.

Engineering update: July 2021

Yes, even more, improved job matching We’re continuing to perfect how we match our developers with their ideal jobs by drilling down our job matching to target the exact preferred roles you’ve listed on your profile. So, If you’re skilled in React and TypeScript with an exclusive interest in a tech lead or front-end role, […]

A safety guide for job seekers

Job seeking can be a scary thing. You are putting yourself out there and submitting detailed information about your personal work history and skill set. It can be even scarier when you consider that you don’t know who is reading the information you are divulging. We have put together a brief safety guide for job […]

Software developer interview tips: what clients look for

We’ve hosted 283 virtual interviews with freelance developers and prospective clients just within the last 7 months. So, we’ve had a front-row seat to the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to interviewing. We’ve taken notes along the way on the most common things clients look for in candidates, and we’ve distilled […]

The Telegram bot

This new feature is part of a larger product release we’ve outlined in our June 2021 engineering update, but it’s too cool not to have its own breakdown. We don’t want to hype our own work up too much, but…

Debunking common misconceptions about freelancing

Freelancing has been coined the “future of work” for a reason—it breaks the traditional 9-5 mold to provide the flexibility and autonomy that every professional deserves. This begs the question: with thousands of existing independent software professionals in the industry, and thousands more following suit in the post-COVID era—why isn’t everyone doing it?

What’s your software development WorkStyle?

You’ve most likely taken some form of a personal assessment. Myers-Briggs, enneagram, Rorschach, or even BuzzFeed’s classic “Which Office character are you?” test. Whether you’re a 7 with a 4 wing or Dwight Schrute, the end goal is to gain better insight into how you operate in the world. 

What business leaders need to know about blockchain

Blockchain isn’t even close to finishing its hype cycle run. According to Forbes, the keyword “blockchain” has increased by 250% in Google Trends over the course of just one year. The blockchain market is predicted to increase in value from $708 million in 2017 to $60 billion by 2024. Today, there are over 50 publicly […]

The 5 heuristics of senior software engineers

As part of every interview on our Frontier Podcast, we asked successful engineering leaders what they most look for in an engineer, beyond technical acumen. Specifically, “When hiring a senior engineer- what are the factors you most look for? What are the heuristics?”
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