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Gunslinger interview: William Rodriguez

At the heart of everything we do here at are our incredible Gunslingers. They’re the talent we send out to tackle the big ideas and help brands build and scale. And we want to share their stories with you in a new series called the Gunslinger Interviews. This week, Cal Evans talks with William […]

Using AWS Athena to query AWS service logs

Athena is a powerful tool for ad-hoc data analysis that may also be used as a log-querying engine. After all, logs are just data on S3! In this blog post, Dustin Wilson explains how to use AWS Athena to query your service logs, illustrating with a sample configuration.

Nailing the interview

Every interview invites a few nerves along with it. Sometimes it’s great to get back to the basics and remember the easiest things: come prepared, come interested, and please, for the love of Boba Fett, move that dirty laundry pile out of the background. In this week’s Frontier Podcast, Cal Evans talks with our very […]

Lessons learned managing remote

Whether you’ve been working with remote and distributed teams for a decade, or you’re new to the game thanks to the pandemic, managing a team you don’t see every day has its challenges. In this week’s Frontier Podcast, Cal Evans sits down with Dave Hall, who has mastered the art of management from afar. Listen […]

Gunslinger interview: Jon North

At the heart of everything we do here at are our incredible Gunslingers. They’re the talent we send out to tackle the big ideas and help brands build and scale. And we want to share their stories with you in a new series called the Gunslinger Interviews. This week, Cal Evans talks with Jon […]

Dealing with the talent shortage

Managers in the modern workforce must now be equipped to contend with an infamous challenge known as the Great Resignation. Dealing with the talent shortage is no new occurrence–preceding generations of managers just hadn’t come up with a hip name for them until now. In fact, there has been a shortage of technical talent–specifically, developers–for […]

1:1s That Make a Difference

Cal sits down with Josh Butts, CTO of Ziff Media Group, to discuss how time in 1:1s can and should be used. Hint: if you’ve fallen into the trap of only using them as a time to talk tasks, you’re doing it wrong.

How to Choose a Candidate

At, our mission is to create the world’s best staffing experience. For professionals, this means that we engage them, understand their motivations, and match them to exceptional opportunities. To be able to do that, our Developer Relations team is not just highly-skilled professionals – they’re senior developers.  Our Technical Talent Advocates are members of […]

Crafting meaningful OKRs

This month, Cal sat down with Boyd Hemphill, Director of Cloud Infrastructure at Contrast Security, to chat about the acronym on everyone’s mind: OKRs. Despite being a common goal-setting framework among technology companies, few really understand the purpose of objectives and key results, and how to set truly meaningful ones.
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