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Hiring a dev team when you’re non-technical with Arian Mirzarafie Ahi

Ubiquitous platform technologies like WordPress open up a world of opportunities for entrepreneurs in every conceivable sector, yet even user-friendly tools usually require implementation and customization by qualified developers. In this episode with talk with client, Arian Mirzarafie Ahi, a biologist and e-learning entrepreneur, about the difficulties of finding a great developer as a non-technical […]

Fractals! And let the scientist have the DevOps with Oksana Shmaliy

Oksana Shmaliy, scientist turned technologist, currently leads IT Strategy and Architecture at Grange Insurance, where she led the DevOps transformation company-wide. In this episode, Oksana and Ledge chat systems thinking, organizational scale, and how creative, multi-dimensional employees make the difference in high performance companies. Oksana gets super-meta, showing us how fractal theory can help us […]

Look-alike audiences for B2B success with Olin Hyde of Leadcrunch

Facebook and Google pioneered lookalike audience marketing for B2C. Serial entrepreneur, and engineer-turned AI marketer, Olin Hyde, started Leadcrunch to do the same for B2B marketers, a group of buyers who behave in totally different patterns than consumers. Olin and Ledge discuss how engineers can learn about product-market fit for their ideas, and how SaaS […]

Ethical engineering on the path to excellent systems with Liz Fong-Jones of Google and

Liz Fong-Jones is a 15-year Site Reliability Engineer. She’s a former Google and current SRE and observability advocate for Liz evangelizes “Building Excellent Systems” that both look out for the people who use the system, and for the people who work on it. In this fascinating episode, she talks with Ledge about wide ranging […]

Best practices from distributed team management across 30 countries with Chris Overton of Elastic

Chris Overton is the VP of Cloud Engineering at open source leader, Elastic, a globally distributed company with engineers in more than 30 countries. Chris and Ledge discuss how supporting remote work is an unparalleled competitive advantage that allows for hiring the very best people, regardless of location. When the entire world is your candidate […]
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