Season 3, Ep. 29 – Season 3 Learnings, with Faith Benson and our Season 3 guests
As we wind down Season 3 of the Frontier Podcast, Faith takes a look back at some of the highlights from our incredible slate of guests.
Season 3, Ep. 28 – TWiTH: The first spam message, with Abbey Charles, Content Lead at
Spam can mean quite a few things, only one of which is super tasty (spam musubi, if you’re wondering), but when it comes to the dreaded emails and text messages, it all dates back to one guy flooding a message board with his marketing spiel. This Week in Tech History, Faith and Abbey discuss the […]
Season 3, Ep. 27 – Improving software delivery with AI and Open Source, with Scott Sanchez, CMO, Harness
If you are building a product for developers, but aren’t asking them for feedback via an open source option, you’re missing out on some reliable data. It can help to not only improve what you’re building, but also garner some goodwill among a community of people who are invested in what you’re doing. This week, […]
Season 3, Ep. 26 – TWiTH: The government sues Microsoft, with Haley Harris, Product Manager at
Once upon a time, Microsoft tried its hardest to become a major player in the personal finance world by buying Intuit, the brand most well known for its QuickBooks software. The federal government thought Microsoft was up to no good with this move, and sued to block the sale, setting the stage for future mergers […]
Season 3, Ep. 25 – Coaching companies to greater growth, with Julien Smith, Founder and CEO of Practice
There’s an argument to be made that Julien Smith, Founder and CEO of Practice, was born to be a career coach. But beyond that, the New York Times best-selling author has also done the hard work of founding his own companies and sharing his knowledge with other founders. Today, Faith talks with him about his […]
Season 3, Ep. 24 – TWiTH: Researchers run FORTRAN for the first time, with Girish Kumar, Technical Talent Advocate at
If you’ve ever used an IF statement (and if you’re reading this, there’s almost a 100% chance you have), you can thank FORTRAN. Of course, you can thank it for plenty more, as Girish and Faith discuss in This Week in Tech History, celebrating the first time researchers ran a FORTRAN program.
Season 3, Ep. 23 – Scaling a white label product, with Jody Soldo, Director of Business Operations at Highnote
When Jody Soldo joined the product team at Highnote, she was employee #13. Fast forward a couple of years, and company has grown to over 100 employees, while Jody has become the Director of Business Operations. This week, Faith talks to her about her career journey, the growth of the company, and how white label […]
Season 3, Ep. 22 – TWiTH: Metallica sues Napster, with Victoria Stahr, Developer Experience Coordinator at
For the majority of us, streaming music is about the only way we listen to it. But when Napster hit the web in the late 90’s, it was the first service to expand on that horizon, and not everyone was happy about it. This week, Faith and Victoria talk about Metallica suing Napster, and the […]
Season 3, Ep. 21 – The life-changing power of a good UI, with Dennis Lenard, CEO, Creative Navy
There’s often a good deal of heart and soul poured into design, but for Creative Navy CEO Dennis Lenard, the data behind the design is even more important. This week, Faith talks with him about high-stakes user interfaces, building a team of people who want to learn, and why choosing bread types by thumbnail image […]
Season 3, Ep. 20 – TWiTH: The IBM 360 Computer System, with Deividi Silva, VP of Technology at
How often would you replace your computer if the newest model wouldn’t work with your monitor, keyboard, or mouse? This is the core of the issue IBM was trying to solve when they developed the 360 System, as Faith and Deividi discuss in This Week in Tech History. It was a huge risk that ultimately […]
Season 3, Ep. 19 – AI that can tell if you’re sober, with Ken Fichtler, CEO of Gaize
Breathalyzers have existed, in one form or another, for almost 100 years and have helped determine safe usage levels of a legal intoxicant. This week Ken Fichtler, CEO of Gaize, talks with Faith about the growth of legalized marijuana, and how its relative difficulty to test for in safety situations led to the creation of […]
Season 3, Ep. 18 – TWiTH: Pixar’s Tin Toy wins an Academy Award, with Richie Clark, Senior Front-end Developer at
A last-ditch effort to prove the Pixar Image Computer was a valuable tool for entertainment and not just scientific imaging proved to be the serendipitous beginning of a new genre in animation when Tin Toy won an Academy Award for Best Animated Short in 1989. Lucky for Faith, today’s guest, Richie Clark, knows quite a […]