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Prepping for a client interview

Brush up on your tech and communication skills before your next call.

Whether you’re just jumping back into the job hunt or you’ve been interviewing around and want to feel more confident, this short video from our Developer Evangelist Cal Evans is full of tips to help you nail your next interview.

Cal Evans
Cal Evans
· 2 min read

Technical preparation


Make sure you know what software you are using for the interview and set everything up prior to the call, even making sure it works by calling a friend.


Clean up the scenery, find a backdrop without too much happening, and test out your lighting with the video camera on.


If you can get an external headset or microphone, it will make a world of difference. Make sure to practice connecting it before the call!

Non-technical preparation

Have answers ready

Every interview will have a variation on the same theme, as far as questions go. Make sure you come prepared with answers.

Have questions ready

Preparing questions to ask your interviewer shows you’re interested in learning about the company. Do a little research and ask the questions that mean the most to you.

Be mentally “in the moment”

Take 10 minutes before your interview and get yourself prepared. Shut out all distractions and visualize crushing your interview.

Show you are interested

Body language is an important factor in how you come across. Do your best to engage in eye contact, sit up straight, and smile at the interviewer. 

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