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Cal Evans

Cal Evans

Systems Architect specializing in APIs built with PHP

Mentoring on purpose

To build and grow your team, you need to do more than just call someone a mentor. “I decided that I would never walk into a room and do anything other than inspire, uplift, and enlighten people—help people be the greater versions of themselves.”    – Will Smith

Hiring developers internationally

One way to turn your candidate pool into a vast ocean of opportunity is by hiring developers internationally. If you are hiring developers, and you will only look to your local area for candidates, you aren’t looking to hire the best, you are looking to hire the most convenient.  -Cal Evans

Productivity tips of successful CTOs

Every successful person I have ever known has had one common trait: They invest time each day crafting a schedule and prioritizing tasks before them. This doesn’t have to be a “sit at your desk and stare into space” exercise. For some, this is done in the shower each morning. For others, it’s what they […]

Why hire a fractional CTO?

A good Chief Technology Officer will keep your dev team in line with their critical mission, but if you don’t have the funding to hire one full time, it can feel like a real catch-22. Hiring a fractional CTO may be your best bet. 

Things to think about before hiring a developer

Hiring a developer? There’s a hard way and a smart way. Founders have a lot of decisions facing them. Many founders of technical startups are technical, themselves. They build the first version of their product, get a little success under their belts, and then hit the point where they can either work on the product […]

Two things to think about before hiring your next developer

There are two main things to consider before hiring your next developer: 1. How much pizza can you afford? and 2. …Just kidding. Keep reading.  Most articles about scaling deal with the technical aspects, like servers and infrastructure. There’s another scaling exercise to consider that most managers will participate in at some point, and that’s […]

Prepping for a client interview

Brush up on your tech and communication skills before your next call. Whether you’re just jumping back into the job hunt or you’ve been interviewing around and want to feel more confident, this short video from our Developer Evangelist Cal Evans is full of tips to help you nail your next interview.

A roundtable with our technical talent advocates

One of the things that sets apart from other job marketplaces is our personal connection with every developer and every client. Your resume isn’t just another one thrown into the ether, and your job description isn’t just another post to a scrolling list. With that in mind, we want to introduce you to some […]

Coding tests

Are coding tests a necessary tool for interviewing developers? I talk to a lot of people about how to find, interview, hire, and retain software developers. When I am talking about hiring software developers, the conversation invariably comes around to the topic of coding tests. 
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