Megascale high-performance decision engines with George Corugedo of RedPoint
If you’re shopping online for pretty much anything, there’s a very good chance the pages you’re looking at are being dynamically generated based on A/B testing and automation powered by RedPoint. George Corugedo is the firm’s co-founder and CTO. In this episode George sits down with Ledge to discuss how his global engineering organization created […]
The software and hardware behind parking tickets with Jim Suttles of Republic Parking Systems
If we’ve learned anything at the Frontier, it’s that interesting technology stories can be found anywhere… even in that parking ticket you got last month that you’re still cursing over. Ever wonder how they know where your car was parked and for how long? Ledge being a collector of parking tickets himself had to find […]
Engineering management tips for worldwide Ops, Dev, and Leadership with Alex Newman of Institution Machines
Scaling an engineering organization is challenging enough when you’re colocated, and when your whole team is developers. What happens when you also introduce data science and 24/7 SRE? That’s three entirely different types of work. Now distribute those workers around the world and imagine the complexity. Ledge sits down with Alex Newman, serial founder, engineer, […]
DevRel and community building for authentic relationships with Mary Thengvall
Communities are people who not only share common principles, but who also develop and share practices that help individuals in the group thrive. DevRel means building communities for technical audiences. If you want to know about DevRel and community building, you need to know about Mary Thengvall and her host of curated, authored, and spoken […]
Adopting enterprise risk management to conserve capital with Dipanjan Choudhury of ValueMomentum
APIs, microservices, connections to external systems, integration with legacy systems… the list of software complexities gets longer and longer. In this episode Ledge is joined by global enterprise IT leader Dipanjan Choudhury. With almost 20 years of experience in software development, platform, and consulting leadership roles, we wanted to get his perspectives on risk mitigation […]
How to manage hybrid remote/colocated teams with Greg Starling of Monscierge
In this episode, Ledge sits down with Greg Starling, a full stack e-commerce and mobility expert with broad experience in the CTO seat. Ledge and Greg talk through his advice for staying on the right side of Apple’s review processes, and how to stand out in the crowd to potentially earn yourself a mobility partnership […]
Scaling a team to support every stack with John Isdell of Red Ventures
John Isdell is the Director of Platform Engineering at Red Ventures. You may not know of Red Ventures by name, but you’re virtually guaranteed to have been on one of their sites like,, and They’re a digital portfolio company with a huge consumer web footprint, and with that footprint comes challenges of […]
Strategic acquisitions to enhance your company’s value with David Galante of Mobivity
Most of us have engaged with, and even built, products and platforms that make heavy use of messaging. But how does anyone know if those messages convert into sales or other actionable metrics? In this episode I sit down with David Galante, SVP of Marketing and Product Management at Mobivity to talk about how their […]
An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management (Author Interview) with Will Larson of Digg, Uber, and Stripe
There’s a saying that people don’t leave companies, they leave managers. Management is a key part of any organization, yet the discipline is often self-taught and unstructured. Management can make the difference between fulfillment and frustration for teams, and, ultimately, the success or failure of companies. Will Larson’s An Elegant Puzzle tackles the challenges of […]
Hiring a dev team when you’re non-technical with Arian Mirzarafie Ahi
Ubiquitous platform technologies like WordPress open up a world of opportunities for entrepreneurs in every conceivable sector, yet even user-friendly tools usually require implementation and customization by qualified developers. In this episode with talk with client, Arian Mirzarafie Ahi, a biologist and e-learning entrepreneur, about the difficulties of finding a great developer as a non-technical […]
AI for everyone, AI ethics, and problem solving with Yoav Rubin of Microsoft
Yoav Rubin is a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft working on Azure AI. Previous to that he was a Research Staff Member and Master Inventor at IBM Research. He’s a published author and self described “software guy” with a lot of interesting perspectives on the state of the art in AI. Yoav talks with Ledge […]
Fractals! And let the scientist have the DevOps with Oksana Shmaliy
Oksana Shmaliy, scientist turned technologist, currently leads IT Strategy and Architecture at Grange Insurance, where she led the DevOps transformation company-wide. In this episode, Oksana and Ledge chat systems thinking, organizational scale, and how creative, multi-dimensional employees make the difference in high performance companies. Oksana gets super-meta, showing us how fractal theory can help us […]